20.SP0 - MAJOR UPGRADE in Sound AND  Downgrade in finances

20.SP0 - MAJOR UPGRADE in Sound AND Downgrade in finances

Hi James.
I cannot believe I have just spend less on a Major UPGRADE.   How is that possible?
I have had my Origin Live Ultra phonostage for a while and at the time I thought it was pretty good.  One doesn't realise what they have until something else comes around and that was the revelation a few weeks back.  Kronos AV supplied the Origin Live Ultra and turntable but a good audiophile buddy played me his whest 40RDT SE and I was shocked on what I was missing - then started that phone call.

So, I am now a new owner of a 20.SP0 and am finding that the OL Ultra sounds absolutely rubbish in comparison.  The 20.SP0 with my Origin Live Calypso sounds incredible.  Seriously, Mark Baker at OL needs to listen to what the 20.SP0 can do with his products.  

I know I am just one OL turntable user with a whest unit, and now I can see why.  It is truly magical.

Stephen Grey - Chelsea UK
Origin Live Calypso / Illustrious tonearm/ Audio technica ART20/ whest 20.SP0