Hi James and Sarah
Great to see that my whestTWO.2 Discrete has arrived and is playing like a KING. OK, this is my first venture into vinyl since the mid-80s and feels like a new start.
The new setup is pretty nice I think - Technics 1200G/ Audio Technica ART9XA all going through a Prima Luna/ Harbeth amp and speaker setup.
How does it sound? Bl**dy incredible. I can't believe I can get better going UP from a whestTWO.2 Discrete to one of your larger models.
All I can say is that everything sounds so real. I don't ever remember vinyl sounding like this. Thank you for such great service.
Chris Gifford - Denver USA
Technics 1200G/ Audio Technica ART9XA/ whestTWO.2 Discrete